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Warning, warning: public danger – István SZARVAS PDF Nyomtatás E-mail
Írta: Action HQ of the EAA   
2011. június 02. csütörtök, 00:00

VÉSZ - Vállalkozások Érdekvédelmi Szövetsége (English = EAA - The Enterprises’ Advocacy Alliance)

Warning, warning: public danger – István SZARVAS
Published by the Action HQ of the EAA
2 June, Thursday, 2011

István SZARVAS is the desperado enemy of the Hungarian building SMEs, who destroyed and continues to destroy several companies.
Currently he is going to ruin further enterprises on some more projects in the 8th (Kazinczy Street) and 10th (Mázsa Street) districts of Budapest.
Everybody risks his or her company’s existence, and the relating families’ existence, who does not require up-front payment for claims including the supplementary works.

István SZARVAS’ method is to get the plan documentation of the projects simplified by specifically hired engineers, then asking quotations for the implementation of these simplified plans with lower technical and demand levels from the building entrepreneurs. He concludes contracts for the realization of these simplified plans, and to begin with he orderly settles the invoices thus raising the confidence.
Later on, during the implementation period he orders supplementary works according to the technical requirements of the original, complete plans, records those works, however referring to false complaints and pretenses he does not settle the substantial difference between the simplified and the original plans, i.e. the contracted jobs and the work really carried out.
He then suggests to the cheated, desperate entrepreneurs to lodge their claims to the court. He knows well, that this would be equal to a death penalty for the involved companies, because during the long period of the legal procedure until a final decision is passed, it will go bankrupt.
The other method employed by István SZARVAS is to provoke the cheated and ruined entrepreneurs with insolent, cynical lies until they desperately losing their head make unwise statements or even make assults, then Szarvas lodges criminal complaint against them. If later the issue of the debt is raised, he says they are under prosecution. Certainly he does not add, that it is he who provoked, and reported. Next time we shall publish the names of those lawyers also, who help to Szarvas and contribute to this deliberate fraud.

István SZARVAS, here is the end
Please everybody be aware of István Szarvas, or demand payments in advance, unless they experience the same, as those ruined by him.